Nutritional Coaching

Nutritional Coaching

Locally Owned  |  FREE Assessment and Consultation  |  Certified Trainers   

Locally Owned
 FREE Assessment and Consultation 
 Certified Trainers

Why Choose Be Fit for Nutrition?

No one knows nutrition like Stephanie at Be Fit. She’s a Registered Dietitian that isn't only knowledgable, she lives and breathes it in her own lifestyle.  She makes it easy to understand and apply with her one-on-one nutrition coaching. 

Her weight loss programs are designed to educate, motivate and accelerate your ability to get healthier, more energetic and fit. Get in touch with us today for your FREE consultation.
Woman eating healthy food

Can’t I just exercise, and eat what I want?

By exercising only, you will soon discover that your hunger level increases in direct relationship to your exercise. Eventually your progress slows down. It’s only when you can understand how to satisfy your hunger with the right combinations of foods and portions that you will continually get the results that will lead you to your goals.
Woman eating tomato

But I eat healthy?

Yes, you may think you do. However, it's key to understand there is a science to eating that can allow food to work in your favor to actually help you reach your goals. You don’t have to be hungry, you can have fabulous energy all day long, sleep better, and get leaner in the process. 

You see, losing weight is different than isolating fat loss only. Losing weight can leave you hungry, depleted, and looking like a smaller version of what you already had. Losing body fat and maintaining lean muscle, on the other hand, helps give you a healthy and toned body.
Woman drinking clean water

Do I Have to Starve?

No. There is such an abundance of great tasting food that is also healthy. Most people have heard that protein is good for them. However, they rarely know how much, how often, what type and how to correctly prepare the protein-rich foods. 

At Be Fit Studio, we help you understand the nutritional facts of different foods. With our help, you can have a perfect blueprint of exactly what is right for your body, with enough energy to do what you like to do for the rest of your life.
Woman eating apple

How Does It Work?

The key is to trigger your fat burning and muscle building hormones and not trigger your fat storing and fat making hormones. 

We like to accomplish this through teaching you the right combination, choices and timing of your food. We help you bring together your diet plan with an emphasis on your likes, dislikes and your unique lifestyle.
Healthy salad

Is It a Diet?

No, it’s rather an enjoyable lifestyle. You’ll look and feel like a million dollars! Best of all, you’ll know how to do it for the rest of your life.
Fruits and dumbells

Is It All About Weight Loss?

No, it’s really about creating ultimate health. If, for instance, you are experiencing pain in your body, you can be taught an anti-inflammatory protocol that can drastically reduce and perhaps even eliminate pain.

If you just don’t have that energy and enthusiasm you used to have, you can be taught how to turn that around. The best part is that it can be accomplished with food and not drugs!
Healthy food

Is This Nutrition Education Only for Healthy People?

No. Stephanie has had numerous doctors calling her asking her what she did to help the clients reduce and even eliminate their medications. That’s right! Type 2 Diabetes can be brought under control without medication. 

High blood pressure can be a thing of the past. High cholesterol is history. She makes fitness and weight loss in Jupiter FL, fun, interesting and understandable.
Doctor and healthy food

Does Everyone Have to Take Her Nutrition Seminars?

No. In fact, it is optional. However, Stephanie will be the first to tell you that her most successful clients have all invested in her nutrition coaching. Her rave reviews speak highly of what she offers in her nutrition course.
Preparing healthy food

How is Nutrition Coaching Administered?

Each session is a private, one-on-one nutrition training where you will learn a simple and easy-to-understand philosophy that tells you everything you need to know to get in the best shape of your life. This is a fun journey of understanding that food can be your friend and not the enemy.

Call 561-745-5001 for a FREE consultation.

"A great experience. I have exceeded all of my personal goals. The space is very clean, and a great environment. 10/10 Recommend!"
- Austin Webster, Jupiter, FL
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