Success Stories

Be Fit Studio Success Stories

Locally Owned  |  FREE Assessment and Consultation  |  Certified Trainers   

Locally Owned
 FREE Assessment and Consultation 
 Certified Trainers

The Biggest Proof of Our Ability Comes From Our Clients

Working with the Be Fit System, I have lost almost 20 pounds, almost 5 inches off my waist and another 5 off my hips! I have nearly cut my body-fat percentage to half. Thanks Be Fit!

-Janice Magee

With Be Fit, I have lost almost 25 pounds! I have a lot more energy and can keep up with my grandson.

- Jane Inyo

With the Be Fit System, I have lost 20 pounds! This program has improved my health, physically, mentally and emotionally.

- Denise Williams

I have noticed an enormous increase in energy. I have been able to stop taking several prescribed medications, and my self esteem has greatly improved.

- Jenny Longsmith

Not only have I lost 2 dress sizes, but I also have more energy throughout the day, and am less stressed. For the first time in my life, I have muscle definition that I didn’t know you could develop after 40!

- Debra Coats

In 8 weeks, I lost 16.5 pounds, 9.5% body fat and 4 inches off my waist. It was a lot easier to stick to and follow than I thought it would be, and I feel great!

- Alice Stevens

In 8 weeks, I lost 15 pounds, 8% body fat, and 3.5 inches off my waist. Stephanie made it super easy to understand and apply!

- Ginny Hines

I feel so alive and fantastic again! Knowing you are checking in on me with regard to food intake and choices, and holding me accountable is just what I needed to help me reach my goals.

- Brenda Aamon

The best decision I’ve made in a long time was the call I made to you almost two years ago. I am so grateful for your guidance and direction on this journey.

- Deborah Greer

You made this past year come alive for me! Thank you for the most spectacular results.

- Jean McGinn

When I scheduled a consultation with you, I had no idea the impact it would have on my life, both physically and mentally. I learned more about diet and health during my first consultation than I had in my entire lifetime.

- Joni Nelson

You have brought me back to a healthy life and a healthy body to carry me into my “mature” years. I thank you for this.

- Josie Wright

One thing I really have noticed is the wonderful feeling I have throughout the day, and I am now sleeping great!

- Karen Williamson

You, your positive attitude, encouragement, nutrition and fitness instruction was truly the best thing to ever happen to me!

- Leah Miles

There is definitely something magical that happens in your studio. Thank you!

- Mindy Cleveland

I’ve seen more change in myself than in all the combined years before. I’m actually seeing definition for the first time, and I’m getting all kinds of compliments.

- Pat O’Brien

The results are real! I finally took Stephanie's advice and the scale started moving downward.

- Wendy Anderson

I have struggled with my weight all my life. I now know why. You have to apply the complete package - fitness and nutrition. This is the first time in my life that I have felt so healthy, fit and energetic!

- Bonnie Mulligan

I had become a prisoner of poor eating habits, negative thoughts, fatigue, confusion and lack of concentration. I had been feeling poor for many, many years. Everything I ate seemed to have a bad effect on me. The results I am getting have been fantastic. I feel great! I am so thrilled. I am feeling more energetic, sociable, creative, happy , empowered, positive and in control of my life. This is the cure I’ve been searching for all these years!

- Laura Rice

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